Redbricks Estate

Scheme approved.

Demolition of Vibast Community Centre, 169-173 Old Street and Health Centre, partial demolition of garages to west of Bath Street, the construction of 55 new homes (comprising 16 x 1 bed units, 25 x 2 bed units and 7 x 3 bed), a community centre (D1), two flexible a1/A2 use units across three buildings, consisting of the erection of a part single, four and nine storey building at the junction of Old Street and Bath Street to provide a community centre and A1/A2 unit with residential above, a part two and three storey building at the Junction of Old Street and St Luke’s Close to provide an A1/A2 unit and residential units and a part single and four storey residential building fronting Bath Street, alterations to the garages fronting Bath Street, the provision of a new amenity space to the east of Steadman Court and public realm improvement works across the site, inclusive of hard and soft landscaping, cycle parking, alterations to entrances and alterations to boundary treatment.