Grenville Works, 2A and 1 Grenville Road, and 500 – 502 Hornsey Road

Scheme refused. Demolition of buildings and redevelopment of the land to provide 16 dwellings and 2215 sqm of commercial floorspace together with landscaping, service yards, cycle storage, bin storage and associated works across two sites. The north site (500-502 Hornsey Road) would provide 490sqm of B1 (business) floorspace at ground floor and 16 dwellings above (2z1 beds, 11×2 beds and 3×3 beds, Use Class C3) within a 3-4 storey building. The south site (Grenville Works, 2a Grenville Road) would provide 1725 sqm of B1 floorspace within a 4 storey building.