1-5 Paris Garden and 16-19 Hatfields

Scheme approved

Phased redevelopment comprising:
Phase 1: Demolition of 4-5 Paris Garden and 18-19 Hatfields to create a part 23 and part 26 storey tower building (+ double basement) (up to 115.75m AOD) to be used for offices (Class B1), above a new public space with flexible retail/professional services/restaurant uses (Classes A1/A2/A3) at ground floor level and restaurant/bar uses (Classes A3/A4) at third floor level.

Phase 2: Partial demolition, refurbishment and extension to 16-17 Hatfields and 1-3 Paris Garden for continued use as offices (Class B1) with flexible use of the ground floor level (Classes A1/A2/A3/A4/B1) and restaurant/bar uses (Classes A3/A4) at part fifth floor level; creation of a new public, landscaped roof terrace at part fifth floor and green open roof at sixth floor level; lowering of existing basement slab, new landscaping and public realm; reconfigured vehicular and pedestrian access; associated works to public highway; cycle; ancillary servicing and plant and other associated works.