Stonecutter Court, 1 Stonecutter Street

Scheme approved. Demolition of 1 Stonecutter Street and 81 Farringdon Street , and associated works  to retail the Hoop and Grapes Public House; the erection of a new building constructed on the retained lower basement and basement of 1 Stonecutter Street providing ground, podium, and 13 upper stories; The use of the building for offices (Class B1) at part ground and first to thirteenth floors, retail/office (Class B1,A1, A3) at podium level, retail at part ground floor (Class A1/A3) and associated delivery bay, cycle parking facilities, together with ancillary plant at basement and lower basement levels; the laying out of a replacement private open space, associated pavilion (Class A1/A3) and enclosure, along with hard and soft landscaping; and the erection of a screen to be attached to the south west flank of the Hoop and Grapes Public House to be planted to provide a green wall, along with the enclosure of the yard the rear of the Public House with an access to the new open space for means of escape purposes (33,528sq.m GIA).