Garratt Lane / Atheldene Road regeneration site SW18 (229 to 247 and Brocklebank Health Centre 249 Garratt Lane, Garages North of 35 Oakshaw Road 80 Wilna Road Sherwood Lodge 71 and Land North of 40 Atheldene Road and 1 and 50-54 Waverton.

Scheme approved. Demolition of existing buildings and erection of a mixed use development providing a total of 193 residential units (of both private and affordable tenure) including houses and apartments, with associated amenity space including gardens, balconies and terraces; a new health centre (Class D1 use) (1,873sq.m), a pharmacy (Class A1 use) (92sq.m), two commercial units (flexible A1/A2/A3 and B1 use) (189sq.m), within buildings ranging between two and five-storeys high, together with the provision of hard and soft landscaping, enhanced pedestrian routes, and associated car parking and cycle parking, with the development proposed to be constructed in two phases.