Plot H7 Heygate Street within land bounded by Elephant Park to the North, Plot H2 to the West, Heygate Street to the South and H1 1B to the East
Scheme approved. Application for the approval of reserved matters (access, scale, appearance, layout and landscaping) for Plot H7 within Elephant Park (previously referred to as the Heygate Masterplan), submitted pursuant to Outline Planning Permission ref: 12/AP/1092. The proposal comprises the construction of a development ranging between 9 and 25 storeys in height (maximum building height 86.75 m AOD), comprising 424 residential units, 1,237sqm (GEA) of flexible retail (Classes A1-A5) uses and 628 sqm (GEA) flexible retail, community and leisure (Classes A1-A5, D1-D2), car parking, cycle storage, servicing, plant areas, landscaping, public realm, and other associated works.