150 Aldersgate Street, 3-4 Bartholomew Place

Scheme approved.

(i) Demolition of roof top plant enclosure, rear service ramp and removal of cladding to facilitate the refurbishment, recladding and extension of the existing Office (Class B1(a)) building at 150 Aldersgate Street to create a basement, ground plus nine storey building, including rear and roof top extensions, infill extensions to the rear courtyard (ground plus two storeys) to link with 3-4 Bartholomew Place;

(ii) a part change of use at ground floor from Office (Class B1) to Cafe (Class A1).

(iii) erection of a new building Office (Class B1(a) at 3-4 Bartholomew Place comprised of basement, ground plus three storeys; (iv) the amalgamation of the two buildings; (v) the creation of new accessible and inaccessible terraces, green roofs, hard and soft landscaping, and creation of external courtyards; (vi) upgrade works to Braidwood Passage, including new lighting; and (vii) reconfiguration of the loading bay and associated works.