100 & 108 Fetter Lane

Approved. Option A  – Demolition of 100 and 108 Fetter Lane and construction of a new building for office use (Class E) and a public house comprising a basement level, ground, mezzanine and 12 upper storeys plus roof plant level, creation of a new pedestrian route and pocket square at ground level, ancillary cycle parking, servicing, plant and enabling works.

Approved. Option B – Demolition of 100 Fetter Lane and construction of a new building for office use (Class E) and a flexible commercial unit (Class E(a)(b)(c)(d)), comprising a basement level, ground, mezzanine and 12 upper storeys plus roof plant level, creation of a new pedestrian route and pocket square at ground level, ancillary cycle parking, servicing, plant and enabling works.