Development Site Bound by Brook Street, Davies Street and South Molton Lane (excluding 58 Davies Street) and 10, 15-25, 27 and 42 South Molton Street

Scheme approved. Part demolition, excavation (including beneath Davies Mews), erection of new buildings and alterations to existing buildings comprising: redevelopment of 60 Brook Street; redevelopment of 48, 50, 56 and 58 Brook Street and 16 Davies Mews behind retained Brook Street facades at; redevelopment behind retained and partially reconstructed facade at 52-54 Brook Street; refurbishment with alterations and addition of turret and gables at 40-46 Brook Street and 40 South Molton Lane; redevelopment behind retained Davies Mews and South Molton Lane elevations and front roof at 1-7 Davies Mews and 28-30 South Molton Lane; refurbishment and alterations at 50 Davies Street; refurbishment with alterations and partial demolition and redevelopment of upper floors at 52-54 Davies Street; redevelopment behind reconstructed and extended facade at 56 Davies Street and Brookfield House (44-48 Davies Street and 62 and 64 Brook Street); part demolition of ground floor and refurbishment at 10 South Molton Street; refurbishment and alterations at 15-25, 27 and 42 South Molton Street; all to provide a development of up to 9 storeys including Class B1 (Business), Class A1 (Shops), Class A3 (Restaurant and Cafes), Class A4 (Drinking Establishment), composite use comprising public house and guest accommodation (sui generis), Class C3 (Dwellinghouses), Class D1 (Non-Residential Institutions) and Class C1 (Hotel) uses, improvements to public realm and pedestrian routes, servicing, ancillary plant and storage, cycle parking and other associated works.