Mulberry Place Town Hall, 5 Clove Crescent, And Lighterman House, 3 Clove Crescent, London, E14 2BG

Scheme refused.

Detailed planning application for works to include: Demolition of existing buildings and structures and the phased erection of buildings, comprising:

• Residential Build to Rent Homes (Use Class C3); Student Accommodation and ancillary facilities (Sui Generis);
• Flexible Commercial Floorspace (Use Class E); Alterations to the Listed Dock Wall and Dock Gardens to provide new pedestrian connections and improved access;

Alterations to the existing access road; Associated improvements to streets, open spaces, landscaping and public realm; and Provision of car and bicycle parking spaces and servicing spaces and other works incidental to the proposed development.

For the purposes of consultation – The Detailed Phase of the application will include buildings of 30 storeys (102.3 AOD) and 36 storeys (113.7 AOD) delivering 150 Homes and 716 Student Bedrooms.

Outline planning application (all matters reserved) for the balance of the site for:

Demolition of existing buildings and structures; The phased erection of buildings for use as a Data Centre (Use Class B8), Flexible Creative Workspace (Use Class E(g)), Community Space (Class F2), and/or a Swimming Pool (Class F2); and associated infrastructure; streets, open spaces, landscaping and public realm; car and bicycle parking spaces and servicing spaces; Utilities including electricity substations; and other works incidental to the proposed development.