The O2 Masterplan Site, Finchley Road, NW3 6LU11-15 Farm Street, London, W1J 5RS
Detailed planning permission for Development Plots N3-E, N4, and N5 and Outline planning permission for Development Plots N1, N2, N3, N6, N7, S1 and S8, including demolition of all existing structures and associated works, and redevelopment to include residential development (Class C3), commercial, business and service uses (Class E), local community uses (Class F2), and sui generis leisure uses (including cinema and drinking establishments) together with all landscaping, public realm, cycle parking and disabled car parking, highway works and infrastructure within and associated with those Development Plots, in accordance with the Development Specification. For the avoidance of doubt, the Detailed and Outline planning permission are separate and severable for each of the Plots shown on plan P011 and the description of development on any decision notice issued pursuant to the application would reflect that.