Site 1: 11-14 Grafton Street and 163-164 New Bond Street; Site 2; Crowndean House, 26 Bruton Lane

Scheme approved. Site 1: Demolition of 11-14 Grafton Street and 163-164 New Bond Street, excavation of new sub-basement storey, and erection of replacement building over sub-basement, basement, lower ground, lower ground mezzanine, ground and part five and part six upper storeys for use as car / cycle parking and refuse store at sub-basement level, plant at part basement level, retail (Class A1) at part basement level, lower ground mezzanine, part ground, first and part second floor levels, Class B1 offices at part ground (reception), third and fourth floors; dual/alternative use as office (Class B1) and/or retail (Class A1) at part second floor level, two flats (Class C3) at fifth and six floor levels and installation of plant at roof level.

Site 2. Use of part ground, first, second and third floors of 26 Bruton Lane to create 3 residential units (Class C3) and replacement of windows at ground to third floor.