Westferry Printworks, 235 Westferry Road

The Committee resolved to inform the Mayor of London that were it empowered to determine the application for planning permission the Council would have refused permission.

Demolition of existing buildings and structures and the comprehensive mixed use redevelopment including buildings ranging from 4-30 storeys in height (tallest 110m. AOD) comprising: a secondary school (Class D1), 722 residential units (Class C3), retail use (Class A1), flexible restaurant and cafe and drinking establishment uses (Classes A3/A4), flexible office and financial and professional services uses (Classes B1/A2), Community uses (Class D1), car and cycle basement parking, associated landscaping, new public realm and enabling work.

The application is accompanied by an Environmental Impact Assessment and represents EIA development for the purposes of the Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2011. Both the Council and the Mayor of London as local planning authority must take the environmental information into consideration in formulating their decision.