Kings Cross Central, Development Zone W (Building W1 and W2)

Scheme approved. Reserved matters relating to Development Zone W for:

– A shared part lower ground part basement area across Development Zone W.
– Plot W1 for the erection of a 12 to 17 storey building to provide 140 residential units (Use Class C3) and commercial space to ground floor (Use Class A1-A4).
– Plot W2 for the erection of an 8 storey building to provide 78 residential units (Use Class C3) (including 36 social rented and 23 intermediate) and commercial space to ground floor (Use Class A1-A4).
-Basement area to include 363 cycle spaces, 48 car parking spaces, plant, refuse and ancillary uses.

As required by conditions 2, 4, 6, 9-19, 20, 22-30 of outline planning permission granted at appeal subject  to a S106 agreement (Appeal Ref: APP/X5210/A/07/2051898, Council Ref: 2004/2311/P) for a comprehensive, phased, mixed-use development of the Triangle Site of former railway lands within the Kings Cross Opportunity Area.