186 – 188 Balham Road

Scheme approved. Part demolition and configuration of the existing first floor (Use Class A1/A2 – retail) and construction of a part 2 – 3- and 4-storey extensions (at 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th floor levels) and construction of a part 1- and 2-storey building (including basement accommodation) to the existing service/storage yard to create 7 x self-contained residential units (Use Class C3) with associated amenity space in the form of balconies and roof terraces and green living walls. (Amendments to planning permission ref. 2015/1933 dated 16/1/2015 including revisions to the staircase; internal alterations to flat 1.1; installation of staircase within retail unit; installation of glazed staircase and walkway to second and third floor flats; increase floorspace to third floor flat and associated external changes).