19-35 Baker Street, 88-110 George Street, 69-71 Blandford Street and 30 Gloucester Place

Scheme approved. Demolition of the existing buildings at 19-35 Baker Street, 88-110 George Street, 69-71 Blandford Street and redevelopment to create a mixed use scheme providing offices (Class B1), retail (Class A1 and flexible Class A1/A3 units) and up to 51 residential units (Class C3) within a new ground plus nine storey building (and an enclosed plant area) on Baker Street; a new stepped ground plus four to ground plus six storey building on George Street; refurbishment, extension and the change of use of the first floor from office to residential at 30 Gloucester Place; creation of a single storey basement level linking the Baker Street and George Street buildings to provide car and cycle parking, refuse and servicing; creation of a new central, publicly accessible courtyard; removal of 5 trees and replacement trees across the site, a new publicly accessible route at ground level connecting Baker Street and Gloucester Place; associated plant, landscaping, replacement pavements int eh part and other associated works. (Linked application 16/1137/LBC) (Revised scheme 1. Stepping back at level 8 and above to Baker Street building. ii Details of building line of Baker Street building. iii. Details of servicing arrangements. iv. Details of distribution of Class A1 and A3 uses within the scheme).