20-24 Popes Road

Scheme deferred. Demolition of existing building and erection of part 4, part 9 and part 20-storey building with flexible A1 (shops)/ A3 (restaurants and cafes) / B1 (business) / D1 (non-residential institutions) / D2 (assembly and leisure) uses at basement, ground floor and first floor levels, with restaurant (Class A3) use at eighth floor level and business accommodation (Class B1) at second to nineteenth floor levels, with plant enclosures at roof level and associated cycle parking, servicing and enabling works.

This application is a DEPARTURE APPLICATION: The proposed development is a departure from Policy Q26, part (ii) and site allocation ”Site 16 – Brixton Central (between the viaducts) SW9” of the Lambeth Local Plan (2015).