257-265 Kensington High Street, and 4-10 and 24 Earl’s Court Road, W8

Scheme approved. Variation of condition 1 (Approved drawings), 15 (Telecommunication equipment), 24 (Provision of parking) and 26 (Electric Vehicle Charging Points) of planning permission PP/19/05105 ((**Amended description**) Variation of condition 2 (approved drawings) of planning permission PP/14/07276 allowed under appeal ref. APP/K5600/W/15/3010472 (Demolition of the former Post Office delivery office, Whitlock House office building and the cinema building with retention of the cinema façade to Kensington High Street, and construction of a basement and buildings to provide cinema facilities, 63 residential units (including affordable housing units) and associated residential facilities, retail/class D1 and office accommodation, car parking spaces, cycle parking, plant, hard and soft landscaping, public realm improvements and associated works).