30-33 Sloane Street, 49 Pavilion Road, 2-4 Hans Crescent and the Garages to the rear of Marland House

Partial demolition of 30-33 Sloane Street, retention of façade and erection of a 5-storey building of Class E (commercial, business and service) including installation of shopfronts. Total demolition of no. 2 Hans Crescent and erection of replacement building to provide Class E floorspace including a rooftop terrace. Reconfiguration and extension of ground floor of no. 49 Pavilion Road to re-provide Class E floorspace, including service corridor. Provision of substation in basement of no. 4 Hans Crescent. Provision of cycle storage and facilities, waste storage, plant, landscaping, photovoltaic panels, and other ancillary works.