31-35 Brick Street

Scheme approved. Demolition of 31-35 Brick Street and 37-49 Brick Street and the erection of a stepped ground floor plus four – seven storey building; including an additional basement level, to be used for up to 135 hotel bedrooms and function and meeting rooms in connection with the existing hotel (Class C1) at 108-115 Piccadilly (Park Lane Hotel). The replacement of the existing first floor link bridge; the creation of a basement servicing tunnel between the Park Lane Hotel and 31-49 Brick Street; the creation of associated car and cycle parking and servicing facilities; the replacement of existing rear canopy of the Park Lane Hotel on Brick Street; the removal of part of the rear ground and first floor stair block to create a new rear entrance; the recladding of the rear ground floor including new windows and door and other associated works.