5 – 9 Great Newport Street

Scheme approved. Demolition of nos. 6-9 Great Newport Street behind retained front facades and demolition of rear addition to No.5 Great Newport Street. Excavation and redevelopment to provide a building comprised of lower basement, basement, lower ground, ground and six upper floors, terraces, roof plant and alterations to front facade, providing a new auditorium and ancillary services in the form of a new flexible 322 seat theatre space and arts club venue along with rehearsal studio and ancillary facilities including bars at basement level 1 and ground floor level (sui generis), restaurant (Class A3) on the ground floor and part lower ground floors and a 66 bedroom hotel at part ground and first to sixth floor levels (across 5-9 Great Newport Street), associated hotel bar and sculpture gallery at first floor level and outdoor swimming pool, terrace and bar at fifth floor level.