72 Broadwick Street

Scheme approved. Demolition and rebuilding of fifth and sixth floors and erection of two storey extension above the UKPN substation fronting Marshall Street, in connection with the use of the part basement and ground for restaurant purposes (Class A3), flexible/alternative use of part first floor as either offices (Class B1), or for up to two restaurants (Class A3), continued use of the part basement, part ground, second, third and fourth floors as offices (Class B1) with flexible/alternative use of part ground, part first, second and third floors as gym (Class D2) and the provision of 15 residential flats with external terraces at fifth floor level. External alterations to the whole building, including new roof profile, facade alterations, shopfront alterations, painting of existing brickwork, creation of office roof terrace at 6th floor level. Installation of a biodiverse roof, along with new plant and photovoltaic panels.