90-91 Berwick Street

Scheme approved.

Variation of Conditions 1 and 30 of planning permission dated 20 February 2015 (RN:13/12007) for the partial demolition and rebuilding of existing podium levels with additional part single and part two storey extensions; front extension of part of the west elevation to Hopkins Street; replacement facades and new shopfronts; all in association with continued use f parts of the basement and ground floor on Berwick Street for shops (Class A1), financial and professional services (Class A2) and food and drink (Class A3) and new retail unit at northern end of Hopkins Street, use of remainder of podium (as extended) for hotel (Class C1) and residential (Class C3) purposes (maximum) of 16 units) together with associated roof terraces (including for use by existing Kemp House residents); green roofs, landscaping, car and cycle parking, servicing, plant and ancillary works. Namely, to amend the approved drawings so as to allow the provision of an additional 17 hotel bedrooms and to expand the food and drink offer to hotel guests on a 24 hour basis rather than just serving breakfast.