Amalco House, 26-28 Broadwick Street

Scheme approved. Application 1: Use of part of the ground floor and basement as a restaurant (Unit 2) as an extension to an approved restaurant (Unit 3) (Class A3). 

Application 2: Variation of conditions 4 and 31 of planning permission dated 07 October 2015 (RN: 14/12703/FULL) for an application which itself varied conditions 1 and 6. NAMELY,  to allow the use of unit 2 at basement level and ground floor level for Class A3 purposes in connection with Unit 3 and altering the location of the restaurant lobby area.

Application 3: Installation of a partly openable shopfront to Unit 3 and alterations to the shopfront at Unit 2 including the installation of a retractable awning.

Application 4: Use of an area of the public highway measuring 13.075m x 2.66m for the placing of 12 tables and 36 chairs for use in connection with the adjacent restaurant premises.