Aylesbury Plot 18 within land bounded by Thurlow Street to the east, Dawes Street to West, Inville Road to the south and Plot 9 (A/B) of the Aylesbury Regeneration to the North

Scheme approved. Reserved Matters pursuant to Condition 1 (access; layout; scale; appearance; and landscaping) to provide a mixed-use development at ‘Plot 18’ (Phase 2A) comprising 122 residential units (C3), retail (A1/A3/A4) and a community facility (library D1) in a part 15, part 7 and part 4/6 storey building (known as the North block); a health centre (D1) and early years facility (D1) in a 4 storey (plus basement) building (known as the South Block); public realm; landscaping; cycle parking and car parking.