Britannia Leisure Centre (including car park and hard courts) adjacent to Hyde Road N15 JU; land on the corner of Penn Street and Bridport Place; and other land within Gopsall Street, Northport Street and Shoreditch Park.

Approved. Outline (hybrid) application for the demolition of existing buildings and erection of eight buildings to provide a maximum overall floorspace of up to 83,989m2 (GEA), comprising: Up to 481 residential units (use class C3) within 6 separate residential blocks 9H1-H6) ranging in height from ground plus 3 to 24 storeys); Up to 400m2 (GEA) of flexible commercial floorspace within use classes A1/ A3/B1; 492m2 GEA use class D1 (Early Years Centre); Secondary School of 15,005m2 GEA (use class D1); Leisure Centre of 12,009m2 GEA (use class D2). Full details (with no matters reserved) to provide 93 residential units (11,063m2) GEA), 492 GEA of Early Yeas non-residential floorspace (use class D1), Secondary School of 15,005m2 GEA use class D1; Leisure of 12,009m2 use class D2 and public realm improvements. Outline details are submitted for site layout, scale and means of vehicular access (with appearance, internal layout and landscaping reserved for later approval) 388 residential units (up to 45,020m2 GEA) and up to 400m2 (GEA) of flexible commercial floorspace (Class A1/A3/B1) and other public realm /communal private space improvements.