Central Foundation School 15 Cowper Street London EC2A 4SH

Application approved.

Application to vary Conditions 2 (Approved drawings), 4 (Details and Samples), 13 (Energy Strategy – School Site), 14 (Energy Strategy – Commercial Site), 16 (PV Panels), and 19 (Cycle Parking) of planning application ref: P2022/1001/S73, dated 23/12/2022 (Application to vary condition 2 (Approved drawings) of planning application ref: P2019/3572/S73 dated 28 July 2020 for: (Demolition of existing Block B and erection of a replacement four storey building to provide science teaching facilities; alteration and refurbishment of the Tabernacle Building; development of a partially sunken sports hall within the school courtyard; improvements and alterations to existing school buildings including listed buildings; demolition of the existing former sixth form block on Tabernacle Street and erection of an eight storey office (Use Class B1a) building; landscaping and associated works.). The applicant seeks to vary these conditions to allow for revisions to the commercial element of the development, comprising new design, materiality and layouts as well as an updated energy strategy and amendments to the end of journey facilities.