Central Somers Town, Covering Land at Polygon Road open space, Edith Neville Primary School 174 Ossulton Street and Purchese Street open space.

Scheme approved. Demolition of existing buildings and the provision of approximately 2,190 sqm replacement school (use class D1), approximately 1,765 sqm of community facilities (use class D1), approximately 207 sqm of flexible use class A1/A2/A3/D1 floorspace and 136 residential units (use class C3) over 7 buildings ranging from 3 to 35 storeys, comprising : –

Plot 1: Community uses at ground floor (use class D1) (approximately 1,544 sqm) to include a children’s nursery and community play facility with 10 residential units above.

Plot 2:  35 residential units over flexible A1/A2/A3/D1 floorspace at ground level (approximately 137 sqm).

Plot 3: Extension of Grade II listed terrace to provide 3 dwellings

Plot 4: Replacement school (use class D1)

Plot 5: 20 residential units over a replacement community hall (use class D1) (approximately 211 sqm)

Plot 6: 14 residential units

Plot 7: 54 residential units over flexible A1/A2/A3/D1 floorspace at ground level (approximately 70 sqm).

Changes to existing public open spaces along with associated highways works and landscaping.