Chrisp Street Market, Chrisp Street
Scheme deferred. Comprehensive redevelopment of the site (including existing car park) comprising the demolition of existing buildings with the exception of the Festival of Britain buildings. Clock Tower and Idea Store; erection of 19 new buildings ranging from 3 to 25 storeys (up to a maximum AOD height of 88m) providing 649 residential units (C3 Use Class) (including re-provision of the 124 existing affordable residential units); existing market enhancement, including new canopy and service building; refurbishment of retained Festival of Britain buildings; reconfiguration and replacement of existing provision of new commercial uses including new cinema (D2 Use Class); alterations and addition to existing Idea Store for flexible community/affordable office space use (D1/B1 Use Class); office space (B1 Use Class); retail, financial and professional services and cafe/restaurant floor space (A1-A3 Use Class), including A1 food store; public house (A4 Use Class); hot food takeaway floor space 9A5 Use Class); upgrade and provision of new open space.