Development Site at 47-50 Poland Street and 54-57 Great Marlborough Street

Scheme approved. Demolition of 54, 55-57 Great Marlborough Street and 47, 48 (behind a part reconstructed facade) and part demolition of 49-50 Poland Street to provide a building comprising ground plus seven storeys with louvred plant room and two basement levels onto Great Marlborough Street (with rear projecting wing at ground and six upper floors with roof level louvred plant room) and a ground plus part five/part six storey building with two basement levels onto Poland Street, all for use as a hotel (Class C1), retail (Class A1), and a restaurant and bar (Class A3/A4). Creation of central glazed covered courtyard and publicly accessible route through the site, a landscaped terrace onto Poland Street, cycle parking, waste storage, plant rooms at fifth, sixth, seventh floors and roof level, services and associated works.