Dulwich Hamlet Football Club, Edgar Kail Way, and neighbouring artificial pitch at Greendale

Scheme approved. Redevelopment of the Dulwich Hamlet Football (Champion Hill) Stadium, including the demolition of existing buildings, and use of land at Greendale, to provide: – the erection of a new stadium with relocated playing pitch with associated floodlighting and boundary treatment, and part two-part three storey clubhouse building with sports and leisure facilities, with capacity for 4,000 spectators (Use Class D2); – the construction of a multi-functional kickabout space and associated boundary treatment; – the erection of a series of buildings between four and six storeys in height to provide 219 residential dwellings, (Use Class C3); – associated car parking, cycle parking, refuse storage and access road; – the widening and greening of a public route with associated hard and soft landscaping; and – the relocation of telecommunications equipment and re-provision of the substation together with plant and equipment.