Highgate Centre and A&A Self-Storage (Former Lensham House), 19-37 Highgate Road and 19 Greenwood Place
Scheme approved. Demolition of existing buildings (D1, B1a and B8 uses) and redevelopment of the site to provide two buildings containing a 2 storey basement (Building 1: 8 storeys and Building 2: 7 storeys) with 4,360m2 of self storage (B8); 1,798m2 of office (B1a); 95m2 of community cafe (A3) space (all areas GIA) and 60 self-contained residential flats (C3) including 52 market units (16 x 1 bed, 29 x 2 bed, 7 x 3 bed) and 8 social rented units (8 x 1 bed) along with the creation of a pedestrian walkway running east to west linking Highgate Road with Greenwood Place; the creation of a vehicular access from Greenwood Place and loading bay; provision of green/brown roofs and plant equipment; roof terraces and balconies and other associated works.