Land at Bancroft TMC and Wickford Street Garages, Wickford Street

Scheme approved. Demolition of Bancroft TMC building and Wickford Street garages and construction of a part-two, part-three and part-six storey building comprising Class D1/B1(a) community/office use at ground/first floor and 15 x Class C3 residential dwellings on the upper floors together with associated private amenity areas, cycle parking and refuse/recycling stores (Site 1) and a part 3 and part 5 storey building comprising 18 x Class C3 residential dwellings together with associated private amenity areas, cycle/blue badge car parking (in the form of 3 x new accessible parking bays and 1 x replacement accessible parking bay) and refuse/recycling stores (Site 2) and new and enhanced public realm, associated hard and soft landscaping, new and improved vehicular and pedestrian access and associated highways improvements to Wickford Street.