Land Bounded By Fleet Street, Salisbury Court, Salisbury Square, Primrose Hill & Whitefriars Street

Scheme approved.

a) Demolition of existing buildings, comprising 69-71 Fleet Street, 72-78 Fleet Street (Chronicle House), 80-81 Fleet Street, 8 Salisbury Court, 1 Salisbury Square, 35 Whitefriars Street (Hack and Hop public house), 36-38 Whitefriars Street, and 2-6 Salisbury Square (Fleetbank House); b) Part demolition of 2-7 Salisbury Court (Grade II) and carrying out of works including remodelling at roof level, formation of new facade to south elevation, part new facade to west elevation and new core and part new floors. Part replacement fenestration, new plant and other works associated with change of use to drinking establishment with expanded food provision (sui generis); c) Erection of three new buildings: 1). A combined court building (Class F1), 2). A police headquarters building (sui generis), and 3). A commercial building including offices, retail and cycle hub (Class E); d) Creation of shared basement for emergency response vehicles, parking, mechanical, electrical and plumbing (MEP), and ancillary functions associated with the three new buildings, with ingress and egress from Whitefriars Street; e) Public realm and highway works, including enlarged Salisbury Square, landscaping, access and servicing arrangements, new pedestrian routes, hostile vehicle mitigation (HVM) measures, and bicycle and vehicle parking; f) Dismantling, relocation and reconstruction of Grade II listed Waithman obelisk within Salisbury Square; g) Other associated and ancillary works and structures.