Land On The Westbury Estate, Wandsworth Road 


Application 1: Variation of Condition 2 (Approved Plans and documents) of planning permission 17/05991/OUT (Outline planning application (with appearance, landscaping and internal layout to be reserved matters), for partial redevelopment of the Westbury Estate comprising:- Demolition of 89 existing homes (Use Class C3) and no. 438 Wandsworth Road (Use Class A1) and; construction of replacement and new homes in eight new blocks (Use Class C3) between 4 and 8 storeys in height, to provide up to 270 residential) Granted on: 26.09.2019

Application 2: Reserved Matters application relating to Development Phase 2 (of 3), containing details of Appearance, Landscaping and Internal Layout submitted pursuant to planning permission 17/05991/OUT dated 26 September 2019.