Land to the front of The London Television Centre, Queen’s Walk and potential construction access routes from Upper Ground London, SE1

Scheme deferred

Land to the front of The London Television Centre, Queen’s Walk and potential construction access routes from Upper Ground London, SE1 – Bishops Ward
Approval of details pursuant to

  • Condition 12 (Tree Removal Plan) 15/04316/DET

of planning permission 14/0792/GUL (Erection of a pedestrian bridge with incorporated garden, extending for a length of 366m over the River Thames from land adjacent to The Queens Walk on South Bank (in the London Borough of Lambeth) to land above and in the vicinity of Temple London Underground Station on the North Bank, the structure of the bridge having a maximum height of 14.3m above Mean High Water and a maximum width of 30m; the development also comprising  the erection of 2 new piers in the River Thames; erection of a single-storey landing building (incorporating maintenance, management and welfare facilities and up to 410sqm A1, A3 and/or D1 floorspace and additional ancillary service plant) on land adjacent to The Queens Walk, opposite the ITV building; associated public realm works; works to trees (including the removal of trees); associated construction work (including laying out a construction access from Upper Ground) and works sites; and works within the River Thames (including temporary and permanent scour protection, relocation of moorings and erection of temporary structures granted on 19.12.2014.
Applicant: Adams Hendry
On Behalf of: The Garden Bridge Trust