Landmark Court, Land Bounded by Southwark Street, Redcross Way and Cross Bones Graveyard

Scheme approved. Mixed-use development involving the demolition of 25-33 Southwark Street, the restoration of 15 Southwark Street for residential use and the erection of new buildings comprising: a part 6/8/9-storey office (Class B1) building incorporating a single-storey basement, flexible ground floor uses (Classes A1/A2/A3/A4 and D2) and workspace units (Class B1); a 3-storey workshop building (Class B1); a marketplace with up to 9 permanent stalls (Class A1); 36 residential units in the refurbished 15 Southwark Street building and a new 8-storey block; associated areas of new public realm; hard and soft landscaping; enhancements to Crossbones Burial Ground; means of access and enclosure, and ancillary plant and equipment.