Laser house, 132-140 Goswell Road

Scheme approved. Partial demolition of rooftop structures and retention of the existing building along with  the construction of a three-storey extension (including plant areas) to the existing building and new three-storey infill building to the corner of Goswell Road and Pear Tree Street resulting in a part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6-storey building including internal reconfiguration and refurbishment of the existing facades to provide for 8,146 square meters (GIA) of office floorspace (Use Class B1(a)) including 481 square metres (GIA) of floorspace for small and micro enterprises (SME), and 671 square metres (GIA) of flexible retail/office floorspace (Use Class A1/B1(a)) along with associated arrangements, cycle parking, refuse storage and ancillary works.