Lethaby Building, Former Cochrane Theatre, 12 – 42 Southampton Row & 1-4 Red Lion Square

Scheme approved. Redevelopment of the site including refurbishment of the Lethaby Building, partial demolition, external alterations, basement excavations and extensions to the existing buildings to form a hotel (Use Class C1), with flexible ground floor and basement uses including retail/restaurant/drinking establishment (Use Class A1/A3/A4), office (Use Class B1), exhibition and lecture halls (Use Class D1/D2/C1). Bar/restaurant spaces (Use Class A3/A4) at first, and upper floor levels with associated roof terrace. Erection of standalone block comprising a cultural use (Use Class D1) at ground and first floor level with affordable residential housing (Use Class C3) above with provision of balconies, terraces and a roof terrace. Re-instatement of former Orange Street, together with highway improvements, public realm, landscaping, cycling parking, waste storage and other associated works.