Liberty House, 76 Hammersmith Road
Scheme approved. Alterations and extensions to the existing office building to provide an additional 4,226sqm (GEA) of Class B1a office space and 205sqm (GEA) of ground floor flexible Class A1/A2/A3 commercial floorspace (13,303sqm (GEA) in total), including erection of a part seven, part eight storey plus plant at roof level infill extension to the front and partly over the existing courtyard at the rear and two additional floors plus replacement plant and green roof at roof level over the existing building following the demolition of the existing central core facing the southern (Hammersmith Road) elevation; replacement of existing mirrored curtain walling with predominantly clear glazing to the entire building at No.76; new public realm and soft and hard landscaping incorporating a single storey Class A1/A3 commercial ‘pavilion’ (65sqm GEA); reduction of parking spaces from 54 to 30, including provision of 2 accessible blue badge bays and 132 cycle spaces.