North Quay, Aspen Way

Approved. Application for OUTLINE (Ref PA/20/01421) planning permission (all matters reserved) for the redevelopment of the North Quay site for mixed use comprising: Demolition of existing buildings and structures; Erection of buildings and construction of basements; The following uses: – Business floorspace (B1) – Hotel/Serviced Apartments (C1) – Residential (C3) – Co-Living (C4/Sui Generis) – Student Housing (Sui Generis) – Retail (A1-A5) – Community and Leisure (D1 and D2) – Other Sui Generis Uses – Associated infrastructure, including a new deck over part of the existing dock; – Creation of streets, open spaces, hard and soft landscaping and public realm; – Creation of new vehicular accesses and associated works to Aspen Way, Upper Bank Street, Hertsmere Road and underneath Delta Junction; – Connections to the Aspen Way Footbridge and Crossrail Place (Canary Wharf Crossrail Station); – Car, motorcycle, bicycle parking spaces, servicing; – Utilities including energy centres and electricity substation(s); and – Other minor works incidental to the proposed development.