Proposed development site at 54-62, 66 and 68 Oxford Street and 51-58 Rathbone Place

Scheme approved. Demolition of Nos 66 & 68 Oxford Street and redevelopment behind retained facades of Nos 54-62 Oxford Street and 51-58 Rathbone Place to provide a new building comprising four basement levels. Use of entire building either for retail (Class A1) or the use of part basements to first floor as retail (Class A1) and offices (Class B1) with a dual/alternative use of floors tow to seven for either retail (Class A1) or office (Class B1) use; and associated works including plant at basement levels 3 and 4, the creation of terraces at sixth and seventh floors; external roof top plant at seventh floor level behind an acoustic attenuated louvered facade onto Perrys Place and the installation of photovoltaic panels at roof level.