Royal National Throat, Nose And Ear Hospital Site, 330 Gray’s Inn Road (and fronting Swinton Street and Wicklow Street)

Scheme Approved. Variation of Condition 2 (Approved Plans), 18 ( Cycle Secure & Covered Parking), 31 (Gym House of Operation), 41 (SuDS), and 54 (External Amenity Space Details for Swinton Street Flats) of planning permission ref 2020/5593/P dated 20/07/22 for the redevelopment of the former Royal National Throat, Nose and Ear Hospital site, comprising: Retention of 330 Gray’s Inn Road and a two storey extension above for use as hotel (5 above ground storeys in total), demolition of all other buildings, the erection of a part 13 part 9 storey building plus upper and lower ground floors (maximum height of 15 storeys) for use as a hotel (including a cafe and restaurant); covered courtyard; external terraces; erection of a 7 storey building plus upper and lower ground floors (maximum height of 9 storeys) for use as office together with terraces; erection of a 10 storey building plus upper and lower ground floors (maximum height of 12 storeys) for use as residential on Wicklow Street and office space at lower ground and basement floors; erection of a 5 storey building plus upper and lower ground floors (maximum height of 7 storeys) for use as residential on Swinton Street and associated residential amenity space; together with a gymnasium; new basement; rooftop and basement plant; servicing; cycle storage and facilities; refuse storage; landscaping and other ancillary and associated works. Amendments include additional basement area for use as research and development with ancillary teaching (Class E (g) (ii)), amended landscape design, installation of flues through residential building, removal of basement below Wicklow street, additional plant installation at roof level, revised floor-to-floor heights, a dedicated loading bay for UCL on Wicklow Street, revised cycle entrance and amendments to the office building elevational treatment, relocation of the affordable workspace to Gray’s Inn Road.