Sainsbury Foodstore, 1 Cambridge Heath Road
Scheme refused. Demolition of the existing store and decked car park to allow for a replacement Sainsbury’s store (Use Class A1) of 5,766 sqm (net sales area), 11,414 sqm (GIA) of flexible retail/office/community floorspace (Use Class A1, A2, A3, B1, and D1); 471 residential units arranged in 8 blocks ranging from six to 14 storeys in height (up to a maximum height of 58.9 AOD); and energy centre and plant at basement level; 240 ‘retail’ car parking spaces and 40 disabled car parking spaces fo ruse by the proposed residential units; two additional disabled parking bays at Merceron Street; creation of and east-west public realm route from Cambridge Heath Road to Brady Street and public realm provision and enhancements; associated highway works to Brady Street, Merceron Street, Darling Row and Collingwood Street, and Cambridge Heath Road.