Site bounded by Fenchurch Street, Mark Lane, Dunster Court and Mincing Lane

Scheme approved.

i) Demolition of 41-43 Mincing Lane, 40-54 Fenchurch Street, former church hall and the Clothworkers’ Hall and its redevelopment to provide a new building comprising four levels of basement (including a basement mezzanine level), ground, mezzanine, plus part 9, 31 and 35 storeys plus plant containing offices (B1) and flexible shop/financial and professional services/cafe and restaurant uses (A1/A2/A3) at ground floor level; and flexible shop/cafe and restaurant/drinking establishment uses (A1/A3/A4) at levels 10 and 11, including winter garden (Sui Generis);

ii) Reprovision of the Clothworkers’ accommodation (Sui Generis) within part ground, part first, part second and part third floors and four levels of basement (including a basement mezzanine level);

iii) Creation of ground level public access to level 10 roof garden and basement level 1 to Grade II Listed crypt;

iv) Dismantling, relocation and reconstruction of the Lambe’s Chapel Crypt to basement level 1 and associated exhibition accommodation (Sui Generis) (listed Grade II);

v) Alterations to and conservation of the Grade I Listed Tower of All Hallows Staining;

vi) Provision of new hard and soft landscaping and other associated works.

(The total proposed floor area of the new building is 94,336sq.m GIA, comprising 88,064sq.m of office floorspace, 289sq.m of flexible retail floorspace (A1/A2/A3), 550sq.m of flexible retail floorspace (A1/A3/A4),789sq.m of livery hall floorspace, 214sq.m of crypt floorspace and 430sq.m of winter garden floorspace. The building would rise to a maximum height of 149.6m when measured from the lowest office ground floor level, 165.1m AOD.)