Sugar Quay, Lower Thames Street

Recommendations approved. Variation of condition 53 (adherence to the approved plans) of planning permission reference no. 12/01104/FULMAJ dated 16th September 2013 to make minor material amendments to the permitted scheme including lowering of the first floor soffit level and repositioning of the two north cores, rationalisation of restaurant deliveries and refuse collection, facade and landscaping improvements, changes to the internal configuration of residential units and associated works.

Members were asked to:

(a) Agree to enter into a deed of variation of the Section 106 agreement dated 16th September 2013 to provide 24 hour public access to the Sugar Quay jetty, the decision notice not to be issued until such obligations have been executed;

(b) Instruct your officers to negotiate and execute the deed of variation to the Section 106 agreement.