The Gateway Site, White City Place, 201 Wood Lane
Scheme approved. Demolition of existing car park and temporary public open space to facilitate comprehensive phased redevelopment of the site, to erect: three buildings to provide a total of up to 106,585sqm (GIA) of Office (Class B1); 962sqm (GIA) Retail (Class A1), and up to 2,745sqm (GIA) of restaurant (Class A3) floorspace; hard and soft landscaping works, and alterations to existing vehicular/pedestrian routes/access and associated works. Planning permission is sought in detail for the erection of a building of between 6 and 23 storeys (including plant) with a maximum height of 109.40m (AOD), with 1 basement level, comprising 63,181 sqm (GIA) Office (Class B1); 904sqm (GIA) Retail (Class A1), and 1,298 sqm (GIA) Restaurant (Class A3); hard and soft landscaping areas, and; alterations to existing vehicular/pedestrian routes/ access and associated works. Planning Permission (with all matters to the be reserved) is sought for the erection of a building of between 4 and 12 storeys (including plant) with a maximum height of 60.50m AOD, comprising combined floor areas of up to 36,862 sqm (GIA) Office (Class B1) and up to 1,281 sqm (GIA) Restaurant (Class A3); hard and soft landscaping areas, and; alterations to existing vehicular/pedestrian routes/access and associated works.