Times House and Laundry Building, Regent Quarter, Kings Cross, Islington, London, N1 9AW

Application to vary Condition 2 (Approved Plans), 4 (bicycle storage areas), 16 (Class E use), 17(Flexible Class E Uses), 35 (Fire Statement) of Planning Permission ref: P2021/2269/FUL dated 20/12/2022 and varied by P2022/4314/NMA dated 18/01/2023, which approved the following: Refurbishment of existing buildings; partial demolition and infill extensions to the southern, northern courtyard and western elevations at ground, first, second, third and fourth floor level and one storey roof extensions to provide additional floorspace at Times House; removal of plant room and entrance, alteration to the elevations and enlargement of existing windows to Laundry Building; further works include the provision of flexible Food and Drink (Class E (b)) and/or Bar/Drinking Establishment (Sui Generis) units, and Retail (Class E (a)) units at ground floor level; provision of outdoor terraces, cycle storage and associated facilities, green roofs, plant, public realm works to Laundry Yard and infrastructure and related works, and new cycle parking on Caledonia Street.


PLANNING COMMITTEE REPORT. Development Management Service Planning and Development Division Community Wealth Building DepartmentP-RPT-COM-Main The proposals include the following amendments: Introduction of a life science/research and development (Class E(g)(ii)) use, through the amendment of condition 44 (to introduce research and development use) and associated design and layout amendments including: – Installation of a new flue and minor alterations to the approved rooftop plant enclosure; – Alterations to the approved façade; – Creation of a new vehicular servicing entrance on Caledonia Street; – Reconfiguration of provision of flexible Food and Drink (Class E(b)) and/or Bar/Drinking Establishment (Sui Generis) units and Retail (Class E (a)) units at ground floor;- Relocation of approved Affordable Workspace to 34B York Way and other associated works.