Travis And Perkins Building, 149 Harrow Road, London, W2 6NA

Demolition of existing Travis Perkins building(s) at 149-157 Harrow Road, erection of a building (plus basement) between four and 20 storeys in height, comprising the reprovision of Travis Perkins builders’ merchant (Sui Generis) at ground and mezzanine floor and the development of purpose-built student accommodation (PBSA) (Sui Generis) and community space (Sui Generis), together with the creation of a canal side path with landscaping and a retained gable wall end. Alterations to hard and soft landscaping and trees. Provision of cycle parking and car parking for the Travis Perkins builders’ merchant. Shift location of bus stop shelter to rear of pavement on Harrow Road frontage. Use of roofs as terraces. Installation of plant equipment and other associated works, including canal mooring and edge alterations and a new public walkway under Bishops Bridge Road bridge.